

-You there?



-Where is it? OK,OK... So, it's a little notebook. 
Black, checkered. And you put it...and you put it

You put it somewhere safe.
It's a little notebook. Black, checckered. 
oh my god. ugh, my room is so messy. I can't

How much time has passed?


-What do you want!

-uhh You okay?


-umm just come upstiars! 
I can't find something!

-okay, fine.Coming! 

-What are you looking for? 

-Can you look too!Get off my bed!

-I don't know

-Come on!

-what you're looking for!

-..oh right. *laughter* 

-This room is mess.

-I know. *laughter*


-I'm looking for a notebook because I wrote phone numbers in it.

- a notebook? Why?

-To call someone. But my phone is in the repair shop remember, and I 
don't have anyone's numbers memorized. We should always have important 
phone numbers memorized, do you even know mom and dad's?
-Exactly, see? But, last week I found this notebook and just
randomly decided to write some phone numbers to just have in print. I don't know...
I don't know. I just need to tell someone.

-What,you're being weird. Who do you need to call. Mom, dad?

-No...they're at work. So no, not mom or dad. I mean this is crazy. 
Maybe this is just weird. Like, I'm being weird. Manic.

-Wait, what happened though?

-I heard something. When I was on the computer and, 
you didn't say anything did you? 

-No, what are you talking about?

-I was using my new laptop and I was trying out its microphone. 
You saw me with my guitar right and I started playing a song. You were playing with the Xbox. 


-And so I played it back, the recording, I heard it all the way through and it was me 
you know me playing..badly.


-So I was about to delete it. But, then I decided to hear 
it one more time because something had stuck out to me in the beginning. 
I played it back and there was sounds of interference and then another voice spoke.
I know where it is! The notebook. I put it here. See? Got it. 

-Wait, what, what did it say?

-"Help me", someone said help me. It was a girl I think, young.